Community Outreach
We believe that success is measured not only by the progress and growth of the company but in our ability to be an active participant in our community. TelForce employees volunteer and support a variety of organizations and causes that positively impact countless lives and our community. TelForce Group, as a company, actively supports the following organizations:

TelForce Group Annual Golf Event
The TelForce Annual Golf event was founded in 2010 by Ron Deese’s teenage daughter, Carrie when she became involved in coaching special needs athletes in soccer. She had the vision to see a bigger need. Now, TelForce proudly donates our employees’ time and resources to raise $50,000 annually for this charity. Please come and join us in our annual golf event in Brentwood, TN. Carrie and Ron are proud to announce that they have passed the torch to the Lee Company based in Brentwood, TN since 2014.

Native American Indian Association of TN
NAIA is committed to providing a broad range of services including job training and placement, vocational training, scholarships, bilingual and other educational services, health services, cultural revitalization and emergency assistance in times of crisis to Native Americans. Telforce CEO Ron Deese served on the Board of Directors.

Wounded Warrior
To raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of injured service members. To help injured service members aid and assist each other. To provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of injured service members.

YMCA Outreach Program
Through programs such as Afterschool, Day Camp and the YMCA of Greater Williamson County offers programs for special needs people.

Make A Wish
Since 1980, the Make-A-Wish Foundation® has enriched the lives of children with life-threatening medical conditions through its wish-granting work. The Foundation’s mission reflects the life-changing impact that a Make-A-Wish® experience has on children, families, referral sources, donors, sponsors and entire communities.

TelForce Group, LLP is a Native American Indian-Minority-Owned Business Enterprise founded by Ron Deese. TelForce can help you reach your MBE requirements with your client partners – call us for details.